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Friday, August 7, 2020

Digitized Analog Phot-o' the Day: Iguacu Falls, Brazil

Heading into the spray at Iguaçu Falls along the Brazilian/Argentine border.

There are two important things to note about the mighty Iguaçu Falls, only one of which is captured by this photo. It is incredibly beautiful. It is by most measures the largest waterfall in the world, although it would be more accurately described as a waterfall complex. Look up aerial photos on line to get a sense of just how huge the Iguaçu Falls series of waterfalls actually is. So, yes it is beautiful and magnificent and awesome. But when you go there to actually see and experience Iguaçu in person, you will have one other major sensory memory.

It is loud. Overwhelmingly "you can't carry on a conversation" loud. "The Who In Concert" loud. Water makes noise. And lots of water makes lots of noise.

Visited December 1997.

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