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Saturday, May 18, 2024

My Last Supper in Chile (This Trip), So I Took Pictures

Dinner at a Chilean restaurant. In Chile.

Tonight is my last night in Chile (this trip), so I went out to eat a nearby Chilean restaurant and I took pictures.

I had dinner at La Flor de Chile, the Flower of Chile. Very local. They had my favorite Chilean beer!

Cerveza Austral, Yagan. This is the dark beer from the brewery in the far south of Chile. It was delicious.

I ordered the Chicken Schnitzel -- which doesn't sound all that Chilean, but thinly cut meat breaded and pan-fried is a culinary universal. I ordered a salad as the accompaniment. Palta palmitos. A salad of avocados and hearts of palm.

I was expecting the avocado and the hearts of palm to be on the salad. No. They were the salad. No lettuce. At lunch, I had an onion salad. It was red onion in oil and vinegar. Again, no lettuce. Detecting a pattern? Chile is not a lettuce-loving country.

But it was all good. I had my Yagan. And that was enough for me to give La Flor de Chile five stars.

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