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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Norm Stories From Everyday Life: Music Appreciation (or Lack Thereof)

One of the reasons I believe that Norm was always so relaxed and happy is that we had a routine and we stuck with it. Morning walk. Breakfast. Leave for work. Come home for lunch and let Norm out for his mid-day sun bath. Come home in the evening. Supper. Evening walk. Wind down.
We also had a weekly routine. Sunday we would go to the park to hang out with his friends, then come home and do laundry. Well, that last item in the routine was for me only. Sunday, being a relaxing day even with the laundry-doing, was also my "music listening" day when I would play my favorite CD's. There were only two CD's that caused Norm to want to get out of the house and into the safety of the backyard, which was the same reaction he had whenever the vacuum cleaner got turned on.
So what were the two CD's that Norm did not like?

The first might surprise you. "Chicago Transit Authority." The debut LP from Chicago, back when they were a brassy jazz rock group. Norm was OK with "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is" and "Questions 67 and 68." But deeper into the CD were a few very dissonant tracks (or discordant) (whichever you prefer), such as "Free Form Guitar" and "South California Purples" that Norm did not find pleasing.
What was the other CD? My "best of" for Yoko Ono. Norm would head for the door within seconds of Yoko being put into the CD player. He was not a fan. No. Please note that this is not one of the posts for the "what an intelligent dog Norm was" file.

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