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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Norm Stories From Everyday Life: Wrestling

Playtime for Norm with one of his (many) girlfriends.
As Norm got older -- and this was really clear by the time he was on senior food -- Norm rarely played with male dogs. When he was younger, he loved to wrestle intensely with other males. One of his best friends when he was younger was a 130-pound Anatolian Shepherd named Trigger. Trigger lived a few blocks away and was always extremely happy to see Norm. I think it's because Norm was one of the few dogs who loved playing with a dog as big as Trigger. He outweighed Norm 2:1, but when they wrestled, it was a fair fight! Both were completely exhausted and it was struggle to get Norm home after one of their wrestling sessions. He left it all in Trigger's front yard! He had nothing left in him.
Sadly, Trigger being older, got very stiff in the joints and could no longer wrestle. A year or two after that, Trigger passed away. And then, soon after that, Norm, getting older, focused his wrestling on his girlfriends. Younger girlfriends. Much younger girlfriends. Stella, for example, who also was a pit mix and who was many years younger than Norm.
Norm continued with his wrestling ways right up to the end. In the last few months, he could only do one wrestling move or two before he was worn out. But he still loved wrestling. Especially with the ladies.

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